Past Faculty Fellows

Bridget Alsdorf, Art and Archeology
Yelena Baraz, Classics
Wendy Laura Belcher, Comparative Literature/African American Studies
David Bell, History
David Bellos, French and Italian/Comparative Literature
Joao Biehl, Anthropology
Goran Blix, French and Italian
Daphne Brooks, English/African American Studies
Miguel Centeno, Sociology
Zahid R. Chaudhary, English
Isabelle Clark-Decès, Anthropology
Michael Cook, Near Eastern Studies
Bradin Cormack, English
Esther da Costa Meyer, Art and Archaeology
Rachael Z. DeLue, Art and Archeology
Elizabeth Davis, Anthropology
Maria DiBattista, English/Comparative Literature
Paul DiMaggio, Sociology
Jacob Dlamini, History
Laura Edwards, History
Benjamin Elman, East Asian Studies/History
Julia Elyachar, Anthropology/PIIRS
Caryl Emerson, Slavic Languages and Literatures/Comparative Literature
Denis Feeney, Classics
Andrew Feldherr, Classics
Hal Foster, Art and Archaeology
Diana Fuss, English
John Gager, Religion
Daniel Garber, Philosophy
Simon Gikandi, English
Eddie Glaude, Religion
Jonathan Gold, Religion
Michael Gordin, History
Anthony Grafton, History
Molly Greene, History
Carol Greenhouse, Anthropology
Charles Gross, Psychology
Constanze Güthenke, Classics/Hellenic Studies

Judith Hamera, Lewis Center for the Arts/American Studies
Andras Hamori, Near Eastern Studies
Thomas Hare, Comparative Literature/East Asian Studies
Hendrik Hartog, History
Wendy Heller, Music
Martha Himmelfarb, Religion
Jennifer Hochschild, Politics/School of Public and International Affairs
Stanley Katz, School of Public and International Affairs
Sarah Kay, French and Italian
Shamus Rahman Khan, Sociology
Michael Laffan, History
Paul Lansky, Music
Rena Lederman, Anthropology
Christina Lee, Spanish and Portuguese
Simon Levin, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Rhodri Lewis, English
Beth Lew-Williams, History
AnneMarie Luijendijk, Religion
Elizabeth Lunbeck, History
Simone Marchesi, French and Italian
Federico Marcon, East Asian Studies/History
Emily Martin, Anthropology
Susan Naquin, East Asian Studies/History
Philip Nord, History
Gabriela Nouzeilles, Spanish and Portuguese
Joyce Carol Oates, Creative Writing
Josiah Ober, Classics
Andy Rabinbach, History
François Rigolot, French and Italian
Carolyn Rouse, Anthropology
Esther Schor, English/Judaic Studies
Teresa Shawcross, History
Daniel Sheffield, Near Eastern Studies
Anna Shields, East Asian Studies
Valerie Smith, English
Paul Starr, Sociology
Jeffrey Stout, Religion
Autumn Womack, African American Studies